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    Winter Activities

Riverside Golf Course

Riverside Golf Course is a 30 hole facility located on 200 acres on the outskirts of Portland. Riverside provides a great winter layout for cross-country skiing, two large outdoor ice skating rinks, snowshoeing, fat tire biking and many hills for sledding. Riverside is a great destination for outdoor activities with the whole family or just the leisurely workout. Please stay out of roped off areas. No rental equipment available.

Trails for the Winter Season

2018 Ski Trail Map 1030x454

There are two groomed ski trails side by side in hopes for better trail conditions. One trail will be strictly for cross country skiing only, no other activities and no skiing with dogs. The second trail will be for all other activities including skiing with dogs. We have signs posted at the trail entrances and throughout the trails for directional and reminders for which trail to use.

Dogs at Riverside

Dogs at Riverside

Dogs are only allowed during the off-season of the golfing season (winter months). In ordnance with the City of Portland all dogs at Riverside must be on an 8′ leash

Dogs at Riverside Golf Course

Outdoor Ice Skating Rinks

The two large ice rinks are great for the whole family or pickup games of hockey. We make ice as needed throughout the winter for a more enjoyable experience. The ice rinks are located on the North Course using the access road by maintenance building at end of parking lot. The ice rinks is open to the public 7 days a week, 24 hours a day with one rink light nightly.

Fat Tire Biking

Fat tire biking an off-road bicycle with oversized tires, typically 3.8 in or larger designed for low ground pressure to allow riding on soft unstable terrain, such as snow. Fat Biking is allowed on the multi-use trails.


Snowshoeing is available throughout golf course and is open to the public 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. out of roped off areas.


Sledding is available throughout the golf course and is open to the public 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. out of roped off areas.

Snow 1
